Monday, June 06, 2005

OK, I've been a bit delinquent in my update posting, but everything was good at Anthony's last checkup two weeks ago. He went to the clinic for standard bloodwork, exam, and chest X-ray. The bloodwork came back with his white blood count slightly low, but at the time he had a runny nose, a slight fever, and swollen lymph nodes. The nurse practitioner assured us that kid's white counts tend to drop when they have a virus and everything was fine. All other counts were good. He still has slightly swollen lymph nodes on the back of his head, but they've been getting smaller. The chest X-ray was clear and showed no changes since the last one. We're not going back for another checkup until the end of August. Until then...

By the way, you might have noticed that Anthony's front page looks a bit different. I finally figured out why the page was not showing up in Google. I made the site with Microsoft FrontPage and it really obfuscated the HTML and stuck in most of the text as graphics. This made it hard for Google to index the site. Now, if you type in a search, Anthony's page shows up. I also linked to the main page from my bookmark page, which helped.